Patent #9725110.......... Click Here

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I established Lone Occupant Vehicle LLC to design, develop, manufacture, and install Lone Occupant Vehicle Systems in municipalities.

Lone Occupant Vehicle LLC


.Much more favorable occupant to vehicle weight ratio reducing energy usage.  

.Lessor battery requirement and greater range than current electric cars due to an energized dedicated thoroughfare.

.Free flowing traffic as the LOV system will have overpasses at intersections, no stopping and fully automated.

.Fewer accidents due to electronic controls.

.Freed up blacktop for multi-occupant and commercial vehicles bettering their mileage and trip times.

.Reduced demand for petroleum.

.Thoroughfare covered from weather.

.Reduce global warming.

.Self Driving Car

The Need:

Type your paragraph here.

An illustration of a vehicle that could reduce global warming

What next:

I need to install a Lone Occupant Vehicle thoroughfare in a metropolitan setting to be used as a test site.  An ideal route would be from Decatur, Ga. to Atlanta along DeKalb ave .  Marta rails run parallel to the road and there is ample right of way.  The terminus could be parking lots used by municipal employees and Georgia Power employees that volunteer to participate.     

Concept Of Operation:

Copyright © Bill Johnson. All rights reserved.

Self Driving Car

      The next time you're crawling through rush hour traffic observe how many vehicles have one occupant. I'll bet better than 90%. A Honda Civic with a 160 lb driver weighs approximately 2900 lbs. 94% of the fuel propels the vehicle and 6% propels the occupant. There in lies the problem and defines the solution. Yet attempts at solving gridlock have focused on mass transit and High Occupant Vehicle (HOV) lanes. To use mass transit  commuters must get to a station and go from a station to their final destination.  To use HOV lanes 2 or more commuters must be going to and from the same place at the same time.

​      I established Lone Occupant Vehicle LLC to offer the lone commuter (90% of commuters) the option to leave their home in a weather tight electric vehicle and commute to their final destination in the most efficient means possible.

​      Initial implementation will be decided by local authorities as to routes based on local acceptance and impact to congestion. As additional LOV thoroughfares are added, more and more existing roads will be relieved of gridlock for multi-occupant vehicles and commercial vehicles. Now as the need to expand arrives we grow smaller and much more efficient.

      I heard CSX Freight boast of moving a ton of cargo 450 miles on a single gallon of fuel. What makes that possible is a dedicated thoroughfare, the technology is 200 years old. With a dedicated thoroughfare for Lone Occupant Vehicles the same metrics apply.